After the getting my workspace all nice and organized last weekend I was able to have a nice long look at my bulletin board. After taking in all of it's scrappy goodness, I realized just how much I love it. It's one of several places throughout the room where I keep "inspirational" stuff. Little bits and snippets that, for whatever reason, appeal to me.
The whole lot.
This is where my favorite picture of us is kept. (I need to frame the poor thing before it gets destroyed.) Plus one of my favorite postcards, in case I need a Bobby D fix while I'm crafting.
Oh la la.
I want to be like this- covered in tattoos and looking like one tough lady. I get the impression she doesn't take any shit- from anyone.
Sweetness. In case, I ever need a smile.
Remember kids- waste not, want not.
Best comic ever, a lovely fortune and a postcard from one of our first unforgettable roads trips. (Being broken down in Placerville, CA aka Hangtown turned out to be a lot of fun!)
*Bonus points if you laugh at the yellow button!
I plan on getting a lot of stuff done this weekend, so I'm glad that I can stand at my nice, clean desk and have an unobstructed view of these gems. However, looking at all of these photos reminds me that some of this has been up there a long time. Perhaps it's time to switch it up! Nothing inspires creativity like a little change.
I also keep a journal of sorts that's filled with similar sorts of stuff. It helps me when I'm feeling stagnant with my painting or need a subject when I'm working on my sketchbook. Do you have anything similar that you reference when you are feeling less than creative?
While were on the subject of inspiration, I want bring to your attention to a recent post
by Threadstar. Not only is
her work inspirational, but she leaves the most thought provoking comments for people. On her blog, she's taken the time to share thoughts on inspiration vs. motivation. For some reason I was really taken by this post. I read it at just the right time in my life, as motivation (and inspiration) have been on my mind a lot lately. Please take the time to read her post
HERE. You'll be happy you did.
Thanks for looking!