my color-coded, sorted- by- number, box of warm colors was ruined.
Which resulted in Dillon and I sifting through kitten food to make sure there was no bits of floss or embroidery needles. Fun was had by all. Especially the dog, who insisted upon helping with the stray bits of kitten chow.

C'est la vie.
Been there done that! Uhg! Only I have a pesky little dog that likes to run off with the floss!
Ha ha, the worst my dog every did was try to eat old- school tomato pin cushion. He was quickly deterred... probably by pins. However, with the new kittens I made the mistake of giving them balls of yarn to play with...becuase it was freaking adorable. Now anything with string, or looks like string gets attacked!
Your home sounds so much like ours. We never know what will happen from day to day. It's better now that the cat and dog have aged but they still crack us up constantly. I cannot remember what I did for entertainment before we had animals LOL!
Have a great Friday!!
Yeah, our house is full of entertainment with the little ones we have running around. A dog and 3 cats, 2 of which are kittens. After one of our cats died, we decided to get Chunk a buddy. A buddy turned into two buddies. I've never had cats like them, they're crazy! One is obsessed with water, go figure :) Happy weekend.
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