G'day mates! As I type this, I sit in my brand spanking new craft room, I'm giddy over it. I can't wait until every last thing is in it's place so I can show you!
So, I never shared the super exciting news that I'm currently being featured in my first professional show, at the Bear and Bird Gallery in Florida. I could hardly believe it when I was invited and practically fainted when I first saw the flyer. There are some major names on there. I'm talking huge! Check it...
Now can you see why I'm so starstruck?

This is my piece. (This picture is actually from the gallery's flickr account. Typical me, my hasty last minute photography job turned out terrible.) I started it back when we were visiting Vegas and it took forever to complete. I'm aware that it is not my best work but I am happy with it, overall. I managed to incorporate some nice detailing in the speakers, which I weaved to look more realistic, and the screen glows in the dark!
The wood grain was actually a last minute addition. I wasn't happy with just the tinting and thought it needed a bit more something. I'm glad I added it though, it seems to be the part everyone likes the best. (This photo is from my phone but shows the true coloring a little better.)
I had hoped to complete a few more pieces for the show, but this one took soooo long. Lucky for me, that mean's that I have rad, nerdy, project that's about three quarters of the way done, just waiting to be finished up. Yay! Crossing my fingers that this one sells, that would be so amazing.
Well, that's just one of the many things I've been meaning to share with you guys. Will my new workspace bring me a new burst of creative energy and motivation to blog? Let's hope so. Can't get any worse, right? Bye, off to finish beautifying the new space and give myself a mani-pedi.