Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Hey, guys!  Long time, no see.  I've missed you.  The days are flying by in the form of one big blur, too fast for my liking.  Before I know it, it'll be 2011.  Isn't that just plain crazy?  I need to hurry up and get caught up with 2010 projects to share with you.  A fresh slate sounds nice, wouldn't you agree?

A while back a friend of mine mentioned that he would be turning a room in his house into a wine bar.  I mean, we are in "Wine Country", after all.  So, after a little brainstorming, I made him something to contribute to the decor.

Don't mind the terrible photos...I swear, I wasn't partaking in any Vino at the time!

It's simple enough, but I'm new to this whole piecing thing, so I was quite pleased with it.  Hope he is too.  

Hmmmm, un bicchieri de vino does sound mighty good but it'll have to wait.  We're supposed to get our Christmas Tree tonight! Yay- should be lots of fun.  The guys put up the lights outside last night and they look great.  Hopefully by next time I check in, it'll be nice and festive around here.