Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Current State of Affairs

My crafting area is one hot mess right now.  This is just a small portion of the craziness.   And it feels like more a reflection of my life in general.   Trust me, I can't show you the rest.  I'm too ashamed.  Maybe I'll get a before shot as I attempt to master the mess.

Last time I posted about organizing the fabric into bins, but that's pretty much where the organization process stopped.  I need to get it under control and soon!  It's getting a bit overwhelming.  I tend to avoid the room when it's like this, which also means I'm not blogging and can't really work on anything but embroidery (which I take in the other room.)  Holy Guacamole, I need to get it together!  Be back with some projects that have contributed to this pitiful mess.


Regena said...

Can't wait to see some projects and I just did a big clean and toss myself.....good luck!!

MafiosaGrrl said...

Ackkkk, I need more space! I can't wait until I have my own house and can create my dream space :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe it is a coincidence, because I just saw a very creative way to organize a floss box,care to know? It is in il giardino segreto. It is in italian but she has a photo tutorial, super easy to follow. Hope it helps you.
Belle Morte