Thursday, August 27, 2009

Fig 1. The Underpants Worn by the Rat

Oh yes I did! I'm a huge Mary Roach fan, so much so that I'm afraid I'll be one of "those" people one day. You know the ones- they show up at a book signing and proceed to make an ass
out of themselves, exclaiming too enthusiastically, "I'm your biggest fan!" Her books are laugh out loud funny, hard to put down and guaranteed to be memorable. If you haven't read them you must turn off your computer and get one in your hands ASAP.
This little guy appeared in her latest Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex. Don't want to get into it too much; I'll leave it at- cotton vs. polyester?

Just black floss on unbleached, cotton muslin. I used two strands for everything, except the whiskers are one strand and the undies are three strands- for a little more texture.

His little drawstrings look like antennas! This was so quick and easy to stitch up,
I might do a series. Fancy undies! Questions, comments and rude remarks are always welcome!

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