Since the last thing I posted about was my birthday, I figured I should tell you how freaking amazing it was! I'm seriously such a lucky duck. I got some very special surprises, spent quality time with my honey and got to take my aunt and uncle sightseeing. It was all so much fun, I was smiling for days!
I received the sweetest piece of happy mail from a special lady. Dillon actually made this for her almost twenty years ago! She's carried it as a good luck charm for all of these years and wanted to pass it on to me. I love it.
Then there was fabric. Beautiful, amazing, fabulous fabric. My honey did so well with this. Although, I can honestly say, I will not be brave enough to actually cut it for a while.
Oh, and cocktails! You guys know that I love a good drink. This particular one is "The Dude" an extra special White Russian and the house specialty at Lucky Strike in SF. Easily one of the cooliest bowling alleys that I've ever seen in my life.

Speaking of cocktails, I went to what may be the best bar I will ever go to in my whole life. It was an awesome surprise from my uncle. Leave it to someone from the other side of the country to show you a place practically right in your backyard. I would share some photos, but it was strictly prohibited. It was a speak- easy, you guys! Not only was that the original purpose of the building, but the inside has been completely restored to be accurate to the Prohibition era. Secret rooms, passwords to get in, a 50 page cocktail menu....seriously, I'm literally in love with this place. I really want to have a gangster themed party there as part of our wedding celebrations.
Told you I was a lucky duck! After all that fun, I had to come back to reality and start being productive again. Meaning I finished my workbench make-over. I love it so much and can't wait to show you. Bye, be back soon!